Always Verify, Never Trust

We are proud of our work in securing our nation’s most critical National Security Systems. Our approach begins at project conception and continues through Authority to Operate (ATO) with an emphasis on documentation, end-user education, and compliance with federal directives and laws.

Our experts draw on more than 20 years of cybersecurity, assessment & validation, architectural design, and systems engineering knowledge to integrate emerging technologies such as Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things (IoT). With our specialized skill sets and devotion to helping organizations maximize their potential, we cater to the specific needs of our clients by prioritizing confidentiality, security, and integrity.

Emerging Tech Puts Security First, we combat all threats and vulnerabilities

In the world of Cyber, threats and vulnerabilities are at the forefront of our concern when considering National Security. Diverse types of adversaries try to profit from attacking federal agencies through means of highly sophisticated technologies, requiring federal agencies to constantly update and monitor their cyberspace to prevent these advanced attacks from succeeding.

Emerging Tech specializes in all necessary cybersecurity tools, techniques and processes to protect your organization from the everchanging threats in the world of cyber. We believe in ‘Always Verify, Never Trust’ and conduct all of our services with this motto in mind.

Commercial Solutions for Classified

In today’s fast-paced and highly remote IT environment, federal agencies operating National Security Systems need access to commercial hardware and software in a timely manner. To keep up with such demand, the National Security Agency created the Commercial Solution for Classified (CSfC). This process enables commercial products to be used in layered solutions within months, to protect classified NSS information.

As a Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) Trusted Integrator (TI), we understand the importance of adapting and responding quickly to our clients’ changing needs and requirements.  As a TI we will guide you through project conception to operations and sustainment, while maintaining a vendor-agnostic approach ensuring we meet your requirements.

  • Flexibility in the solutions provided
  • Capability Package Expertise
  • Prioritization of compliance

Evolving Cyber Solutions – Threat Prevention, Detection, and Response

Security Posture

At Emerging Tech, we take your security seriously. Through our practice of Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), our technicians will meticulously test your devices, software, and information systems against government-level technological standards.

In compliance with the NIST’s Risk Management Framework (specified in NIST SP 800-37 Rev.2), Emerging Tech seeks to neutralize potential attack vectors as they appear while maintaining system integrity, operability, and data confidentiality. Our cybersecurity practices ensure that your system will function efficiently and be well suited for its sector of implementation – public or private.

Incident Response

Quick technical decisions require a diligent team. Our international staff of engineers, analysts, and technicians are here for you around the clock. By constantly scanning the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) for the most current exploits and cyberattacks, Emerging Tech works to mitigate threats before they are able to arise. Additionally, by testing your system against government security standards, you can rest assured that any sensitive data is stored under lock and key.

Benefits of Emerging Tech’s incident response plan include:

  • Constant malware protection
  • Streamlined system administration
  • Realtime intrusion prevention
Threat Hunting

Emerging tech is well versed in a variety of detection approaches, with each process having individual benefits and limitations, allowing us to modify our methods and craft the necessary detection approach to suit the client’s needs.

With the new threats users are experiencing today, Emerging Tech has adapted to prioritize tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) based threat hunting. We are exceedingly familiar with the MITRE PRE-ATT&CK and ATT&CK framework and leverage both to perform TTP based detection. Emerging Tech personnel work continuously to secure the client’s system against any and all possible vulnerabilities.

Pen Testing

On top of actively searching for cyber threats, Emerging Tech is also proficient in various forms of testing and simulations.

Penetration testing, or pen testing, is a simulated cyberattack we conduct against the client’s devices to test the strength of their security. Our process expands upon the 4-phase method from NIST 800-115 creating an adaptable, well-defined process for any request approach including Black Box, White Box and Gray Box testing:



The rules are identified, management approval is finalized, and testing goals are set.

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Once all known vulnerabilities are established and all information necessary is gathered, the simulated attack commences using a variety of tools.

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If the attack was successful, all vulnerabilities are verified and presented so Emerging Tech can work with the client to implement necessary safeguards to mitigate them.

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Information is gathered on the system and scanned for vulnerabilities.



During the attack, Emerging Tech reports any findings to the necessary personnel and documents any unexpected findings that were not outlined during planning.