Innovating Health

Emerging Tech’s Healthcare IT, we don’t just adapt – we anticipate. To maintain security, privacy, and efficiency, our Healthcare Center of Excellence prioritizes the highest quality security solutions for our healthcare partners. In order to achieve these ends, we have defined two critical pillars for addressing current and future challenges: Medical Device Cybersecurity and Secure EMR Deployment and Integration.

Medical Device Cybersecurity

As medical technology is further developed, the risk for security breaches becomes larger and the demand for more secure storage systems becomes prevalent. Unfortunately, solutions have not kept up with demands, and the potential for breaches for these devices continues to pose threats.

At Emerging Tech, we not only recognize these threats, but we have come to understand the unique intersection between medical devices and cybersecurity. Our teams have been carefully curated from different sectors including:

  • Military
  • Medical Professionals
  • Cybersecurity Experts
  • Integration Experts

Always on The Cutting Edge

To ensure the largest range of skills and perspectives when approaching problems as important as medical device cybersecurity, our teams are always equipped with the latest technology and utilize Emerging Tech’s personalized approach that is carefully designed to support all sizes of medical institutions from a single-provider practice to a large national healthcare system.

Secure EMR Deployment and Integration

Healthcare professionals can deliver quick and synchronized care through Electronic Medical Records (EMR) which allows for the sharing of patient records on demand from anywhere.

Through EMR technology, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other key providers can communicate with the simple click of a button to deliver synchronized care. The ability to share patient records through EMR technology enables providers to practice care virtually, and patients to receive care anywhere.

Revolutionization of Patient Encounters (RoPE)

Enhancing Point of Care by providing Just-in-Time Care.

At ET, we are committed to acting as disrupters – which is why we have established the Revolutionization of Patient Encounters (RoPE) Framework. An original framework that will improve conventional physician-patient encounters by delivering prompt care while maintaining personal patient-provider interactions.

Using our proprietary strategy in combination with niche emerging technologies, physicians will be able optimize their time. Allowing them to focus their time on fostering personal patient encounters rather than performing administrative duties. ET’s Revolutionization of Patient Encounters will work to eliminate manual administrative processes by automating the patient onboarding and check-in processes, thus reducing patient wait times as well as increasing the personalization of the physician-patient encounters.

Our Federal clients include:

Get In Touch

Emerging Tech invites you to join us in our vision to innovate, collaborate, and educate. Reach out and help us continue to develop and deploy standards-based security solutions across the private and public sectors.